Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Most Advanced Research Ship Commissioned

The University of Delaware has commissioned the Research Vessel Hugh R. Sharp, the newest and most advanced coastal research ship in the nation. The dedication was held at the university's College of Marine Studies in Lewes, Del. The 146-foot ship replaces the Cape Henlopen, which had been in continuous service since 1976. The diesel-electric vessel features a modular design to allow incorporating fuel-cell technologies as they develop.
Research Vessel Hugh R. Sharp
The vessel was designed to be as quiet as possible when under way, in keeping with recommendations of the International Convention for Exploration of the Seas, based on the hearing ability of fish. As did the Cape Henlopen, the Hugh R. Sharp will operate as a member of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System, a consortium of 64 academic institutions and research laboratories.The ship is named for Hugh R. Sharp, the great-great-grandson of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, the founder of the DuPont Co. Sharp served on the company's board of directors for nearly half a century and was a University of Delaware trustee for nearly 20 years. He died in 1990 at the age of 81.

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